Matilda has during a long period of time been interested in helping people to feel better. She has now built up her experience and knowledge with Quantum Success Coach Academy in USA with Christy Whitman as mentor. Matilda is now a certified quantum Succes Life coach.

Opera Singer
Matilda has studied at Universities in Canada and Sweden. She has a bachelors degree in Chamber music från Mälardalens University in Västerås, Sweden. Matilda is a sought after soloist with a substantial repertoar…

Vocal Coach
Matilda has long experience as a vocal teacher as she has taught singing for over 25 years….
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Opera Singer
Strax stiger Matildas röst under valven, fångas av rummets klang. Jag fångas också, smälter: rösten är underbart mjuk, samtidigt klar. Uttrycksfull och behaglig på samma gång och i perfekt samklang med Nymarks följsamma ackompanjemang.
Life Coaching
Before I was coached by Matilda I felt like I was working all the time and earned to little. Now I work less and earn more. I have now a better balance between work and my personal life.
Upcoming events
Here are some upcoming events presented. Please have a look!